Pagani Modelle

Pagani Modelle
Amalgam ist weltweit als Hersteller feinster handgefertigter Modelle in großem Maßstab anerkannt.
Unsere Arbeit ist einzigartig in ihrer Liebe zum Detail und wir setzen einen Schwerpunkt darauf, Modelle zu bauen, die den Stil und den Geist jedes einzelnen Autos wirklich erfassen.
Wir widmen unsere Energie und Leidenschaft der Verwirklichung von Genauigkeit, Präzision und Exzellenz. Das hebt die fertige Replik weit von allem, was je gebaut wurde.

Pagani Huayra (2011) 1:8 SCALE
This fine 1:8 scale model of the Pagani Huayra has been handcrafted and finished in our workshops with the co-operation and assistance of Pagani regarding original finishes, materials, archive imagery and drawings. The use of...

Pagani Huayra (2011) 1:8 SCALE
This fine 1:8 scale model of the Pagani Huayra has been handcrafted and finished in our workshops with the co-operation and assistance of Pagani regarding original finishes, materials, archive imagery and drawings. The use of...

Pagani Huayra BC (2016) 1:8 SCALE
A fine 1:8 large-scale collector’s model of the Pagani Huayra BC. The name “BC” represents the initials of Benny Caiola, a person who has greatly inspired Horacio Pagani over the years. Benny was so impressed...

Pagani Huayra (2011) 1:8 SCALE
Named after the South American wind god Huayra-Tata, the 2011 Pagani Huayra was the successor to the almighty Zonda and Pagani’s second supercar. Taking advantage of their carbon fibre expertise learnings from the Zonda R,...