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Posts tagged: ayrton senna



随着最新一批1:18比例的标志性迈凯伦MP4/4模型启动生产,我们现在正在接受订单,以期在6月发货。这款优秀的车型完美地复制了1988年由埃尔顿·塞纳(Ayrton Senna)在一级方程式日本大奖赛上获胜的战车迈凯伦MP4/4,而他凭借这个分站冠军提前一轮拿到了其F1生涯的首个年度车手冠军。


Amalgam Model the Prize for McLaren Japan Track Event

Amalgam Model the Prize for McLaren Japan Track Event

Amalgam's official agent for Japan, Kiyotaka Tamamushi-san, was our representative at McLaren Japan's track event at the Fuji International Speedway. Bruno Senna presented the victor with an Amalgam model of Ayrton Senna's McLaren MP4/4, as raced to victory at the 1988 Japanese Grand Prix Senna, claiming the first of Senna's his three world titles. Other Amalgam models of McLaren cars, such as the Vision GT concept and the Senna, were prominently displayed around the venue.
