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Posts tagged: Bespoke

Amalgam模型为法拉利基金会筹得 9 万美元善款

Amalgam模型为法拉利基金会筹得 9 万美元善款
很高兴能在此与您分享最近法拉利社区在哈德逊广场为慈善事业举办的法拉利晚会所取得的成功。此次活动共筹得 700 万美元善款,全部用于教育支持项目,这也是纽约法拉利基金会慈善活动的重点。此次活动的亮点是八件独家拍卖品,其中包括Amalgam独一无二的1:8比例Tailor Made Ferrari 812 Competizione模型,该模型以 9 万美元的高价拍出,同时,真车的拍卖也筹集到了 510 万美元的善款。


20 Years of The Ferrari Enzo

20 Years of The Ferrari Enzo
Two decades ago today, Ferrari unveiled the truly memorable Enzo at the 2002 Paris Motor Show. Named directly after the Italian marque’s legendary founder, the Enzo Ferrari, or to give it its unofficial but more common name – the Ferrari Enzo, joined the very limited ranks of supercars built by Ferrari using the pinnacle of the company’s Formula 1 technological achievements. 
