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Posts tagged: ferrari

Amalgam 的 SF1000 系列(视频)

Amalgam 的 SF1000 系列(视频)

在法拉利重新成为发车人领跑者的过程中,请在我们位于匈牙利佩奇的车间的现场视频中深入了解我们完整的法拉利 SF1000 系列。 该视频详细介绍了这个非凡的系列,检查了 1:8 和 1:18 比例的标准和第 1000 届大奖赛涂装模型,以 1:1 和 1:4 比例建模的汽车方向盘以及第 1000 次 GP 1:12 比例的涂漆鼻锥。


Amalgam support Ferrari Events in the Middle East

Amalgam support Ferrari Events in the Middle East
Salesperson Stephen Hurn has been Amalgam's representative across the United Arab Emirates for the last month as he journeyed through the Middle East and Asia, meeting many prospective and current Amalgam clients. Stephen supported several Ferrari events during his time abroad, displaying Amalgam models, much to the interest of many of the Ferrari owners. 
